Language: English
Place: USA - New Brunswick - Rutgers
Year: June/July 2010
Duration: 25 Hrs 40 Min
* Basic principles of Ayurveda
* Creation of prakrti and ways of attaining knowledge
* Characteristics and divisions of dosas and subtle body
* Three gunas and defining ama
* Diagnosis and importance of six tastes in nutrition
* How the life style influences the dosas
* Relation of health to daily routine
* Mind in manifestation and treatment of diseases
* Detoxification and elimination therapies
* The concept of rejuvenation in Ayurveda
It is better to have a physical sickness like a fever or diarrhea, than to be tortured by your own mind. A fever is visible – you may look feverish in your face, or your skin is hot to the touch. But when something is torturing your mind, it is not easy to see, yet the suffering is there. Mental suffering is subtle and thus difficult to get rid of. for inquiries about Jiva Institute and guesthouse bookings
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