
AUDIO - Interview on friendship for magazine Raktas

SKU I-01
Product Details

Language: English translated into Lithuanian

Duration: 1 Hour

Place: Magazine Raktas, Vilnius (Lithuania)

Year: May 2018


Satyanarayana Dasa

What does it means friendship? Babaji explains history between Krishna and Sudama

The importance of having good friends

Living in union

Friendship between men and woman - History of King Yayati and Devayani and Sharmishtha

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AUDIO - Interview on friendship for magazine Raktas
  • Satyanarayana Dasa

    Satyanarayana Dasa
  • Daily Bhakti Byte

    Bhakti is like asking you to burn your house, but who would like to do that? Bhakti is difficult to follow because you have to change. Krishna says nobody really knows me. I know everybody, and nobody knows me. To know him you have to destroy your palace. And what opens to you is a new world that is most amazing, most wonderful and you wonder why didn’t I do this before? Why didn’t I get rid of this nonsense?

    — Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
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