Teacher: Babaji Satyanarayana Dasa
The course is complete but it only covers the Eastern wave.
This work is one of the most essential books of the Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava sampradāya. Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmī establishes in it the theoretical and esoteric foundation of sādhana-bhakti by utilizing the theory of aesthetics (rasa) developed in ancient poetic Sanskrit literature.
In this course, we study the Eastern Division that gives the definition of pure bhakti and expounds its progressive stages from beginning (śraddha, or faith) to perfection of pure love (prema). It is also an erudite exposition of the various rasas. Most important, it also teaches the correct practice of bhakti so that one can get the expected result.
If you cannot to do good to others at least don’t think of harming others, and certainly never do anything to harm others. To do welfare to others you need some thing – money, power, knowledge etc., but you need nothing to not harm others.
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